S-BPM ONE 2020, the 12th International Conference on Subject-Oriented Business Process Management December 02. – 04., 2020 in an Online format
(formerly planned at BIBA Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics, Bremen, Germany)
11:00 Opening
11:15 Keynote
Business process management based on subject orientation from an economic/industrial perspective – How the coronavirus highlights the huge advantages of subject orientation (Herbert Kindermann)
12:15 Lunchbreak
14:00 Session 1: Subject-oriented business processing – syntax and semantics
S-BPM Diagrams as Decision Aids in a Decision Based Framework for CPS Development (Josef Frysak) Video presentation
Performance Investigation and Proposal for Updates on the Exchange Standard for PASS (Matthes Elstermann and André Wolski) Video presentation
Limitations of Choreography Specifications with BPMN (Albert Fleischmann) Video presentation
15:30 Coffeebreak
16:00 Session 2: Cyber-physical and assistance systems
Task-based Design of Cyber-Physical Systems – Meeting Representational Requirements with S-BPM (Georg Weichhart, Maximilian Reiser and Christian Stary) Video presentation
Mobile AR-based assistance systems for order picking – Methodical decision support in the early phases of the product life cycle (Lukas Egbert, Moritz Quandt, Klaus-Dieter Thoben and Michael Freitag) Video presentation
Functionalities and implementation of future informational assistance systems for manual assembly – Towards individualized, incentive-based assistance and support of ergonomics (Christoph Petzoldt, Dennis Keiser, Thies Beinke and Michael Freitag) Video presentation
17:30 End Day 1
10:30 Session 3: Process mining and the Internet of actors and behaviors
The Internet-of-Behavior as Organizational Transformation Space with Choreographic Intelligence (Christian Stary) Video presentation
Security and Safety by Design in the Internet of Actors: An Architectural Approach (Giovanni Paolo Sellitto, Helder Aranha, Massimiliano Masi and Tanja Pavleska) Video presentation
Process Discovery Method in Dynamic Manufacturing and Logistics Environments (Wacharawan Intayoad, Till Becker and Otthein Herzog) Video presentation
12:00 Extra Session
Standardization Activities for Subject-oriented Modelling – Status and further steps (Matthes Elstermann) Video presentation
12:30 Lunchbreak
14:00 Session 4: Industry 4.0
Interoperability of Logistics artefacts in Industry 4.0-driven IT landscape (Marco Franke, Karl A. Hribernik and Klaus-Dieter Thoben) Video presentation
Tindustry: Matchmaking for I4.0 Components (Udo Kannengiesser, Florian Krenn, Christian Stary and Pascal Höfler) Video presentation
Autonomy and Process Design (Richard Heininger) Video presentation
15:30 Coffeebreak
16:00 Session 5: Various views on business process management
Mapping Execution and Model Semantics for Subject-Oriented Process Models (Matthes Elstermann and André Wolski) Video presentation
Technology-, Human-, and Data-driven Developments in Business Process Management: A Literature Analysis (Matthias Lederer, Matthes Elstermann, Stefanie Betz, Werner Schmidt) Video presentation
Subject-Oriented Value-Stream Mapping with SiSi (Matthes Elstermann, Jakob Bönsch and Jivka Ovtcherova) Video presentation
17:30 Closing
17:45: End Day 2