25. January 2025

alps.net.api – Open Source C# Library for PASS Model Exchange

We have now publicly released alps.net.api 0.8.0, an open-source C# library for the im- and export of subject-oriented process models from and to .owl files.

The library provides the functionality to create and modify in-memory PASS process models. The models can either be imported from an existing ontology/.owl-file or build from scratch.

The library currently supports the Standard PASS 1.1  as well as the Abstract Layered PASS-Extension and is released under the MIT-Licence.

You can use it for your own C# projects to add im- and export as well as in-memory editing functionality for standard conform PASS models.

The libary is hosted at: https://github.com/I2PM/alps.net.api

For a pre-compiled version see: https://github.com/I2PM/alps.net.api/releases

And for indepth information please consult the extensive wiki: https://github.com/I2PM/alps.net.api/wiki

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